Teacher Certification – Recognising Teacher Excellence, Semester 2 Workshop A

2nd August, 2022 @ 4:00 pm


02/08/2022 - 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Event Categories:


Teacher Certification provides a high quality, nationally consistent approach to identifying and certifying teachers in accordance with the advanced career stages of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST).

The AISSA facilitates and supports aspiring Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers (HALTs) to apply for certification through a series of three workshops which are offered each semester These sessions help to build understanding of the requirements of the process and how to collect, curate and annotate evidence of practice at the HA or Lead career stage. Applicants are required to complete all three workshops in sequence within a 12-18 month timeframe.

Teacher Certification:

  • recognises and promotes quality teaching
  • provides an opportunity for teachers to reflect on their practice and demonstrate their impact
  • provides a reliable indication of quality teaching to support growth and recognise high performing teachers.

In conjunction with Catholic Education, the Department for Education and the South Australian Teacher Certification Committee (SATCC) – the SA certifying authority, the AISSA facilitates the assessment process of all HALT applications in SA Independent Schools using nationally trained assessors from our schools.

2022 Semester 2 dates:
Workshop A: 2 August, 4–6pm (Zoom) (this introductory session is also suitable for interested leaders and mentors)
Workshop B: 23 August, 9am–3pm (face to face)
Workshop C: 13 October, 9am–3pm (face to face)

Further information can be found on the AISSA and AITSL Certification webpages or contact Mary Pickett.

Target audience – expert teachers and aspiring HALTs who have their Principal’s support and endorsement and meet eligibility and suitability requirements (see pp. 10-11 Guide)

Delivery mode – face to face and Zoom

Presenters – Mary Pickett, Senior Educational Consultant, AISSA

Workshops are free; however, applications will incur a total cost of $1,825 ex gst (this is not expected to cover the full cost to AISSA for the provision of certification) which will be paid to AISSA in three stages.

The Guide to Certification for SA provides details about eligibility and processes and is a key document for any interested teacher/leader/mentor.

For registration enquiries please contact Rae Dawkins.

There is no on-site parking available. For parking options please refer to the parking map. Tram stop #1 Greenhill Road is a 6-minute walk away.


Bookings are closed for this event.